Journal of Forest Research Vol.28 No.6(2023年12月)

種類: 原著論文/Socioeconomics, Planning, and Management

Title: Impact of forest type and age on shallow landslide susceptibility: A case study from the 2017 heavy rainfall in northern Kyushu, Japan

巻頁: J For Res 28 (6): 389-396

題名: 森林タイプおよび林齢が表層崩壊の発生確率に及ぼす影響:2017年九州北部豪雨を事例に

著者: 西岡昌泰,井上晴香,太田徹志,溝上展也

所属: 九州大学大学院 生物資源環境科学府

抄録: 森林の種類や林齢が表層崩壊の発生確率に与える影響についてはいくつかの研究事例が見られる.しかし,その大半は両者の相関関係を評価したものにとどまり,因果関係を検証した事例は極めて少ない.そこで本研究では傾向スコアを用いた統計的因果推論により森林タイプおよび林齢が表層崩壊に与える影響を評価した.対象地は福岡県朝倉市および東峰村周辺の森林である.2017年7月5日から6日にかけての豪雨により本対象地内で生じた表層崩壊を分析対象とした.対象地内にランダムにサンプルを設定し,その地点の土地被覆を目視判読により針葉樹林,広葉樹林および若齢林に分類した.これら3区分に含まれないサンプルは分析から除外した.サンプルに対して傾向スコアによる逆確率重み付けを適用し,3区分間での表層崩壊発生確率を比較した.若齢林では針葉樹林と比べて3.70 × 10−2,広葉樹林と比べて 4.12 × 10−2 ,表層崩壊の発生確率が上昇した.これは針葉樹林や広葉樹林から若齢林に変わると表層崩壊の発生確率が2-3倍増加することを意味した.一方で,針葉樹林と広葉樹林の間で表層崩壊の発生確率に有意な差は見られなかった.



種類: 原著論文/Socioeconomics, Planning, and Management

Title: Translating Tourists’ Satisfaction Data into Economic Value of the National Forest Parks in China

巻頁: J For Res 28 (6): 397-406

題名: 旅行者の満足度データから読み解く中国国家森林公園の経済的価値

著者: Ziang Wang, Erda Wang, Yang Yu

所属: School of Economics and Management, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China

抄録: Conventional nonmarket valuation methods have several shortcomings and limitations. This study presents a novel method of the tourist satisfaction approach (TSA) and employs it to value the attributes of national forest parks (NFP) in China. A tourist satisfaction model was established to depict the underlying relationship of tourists’ satisfaction with park attributes, tourists’ demographic traits, and their travel costs. Data on tourist satisfaction and park attributes were collected from 30 Chinese NFPs. The results reveal that TSA can be a powerful tool for valuing NFP resources and their related management activities. The empirical results show that the quality of NFP attributes directly affects tourist satisfaction, which can lead to a significant amount of economic value. For example, on average, a visitor is willing to pay ¥323.18 ($47.86) to reduce park congestion, and ¥118.22 ($17.51) lessen the number of observable litter on the park sites.



種類: 原著論文/Socioeconomics, Planning, and Management

Title: Predicting changes in the carbon stocks of bamboo forests in Japan from 1985 to 2005

巻頁: J For Res 28 (6): 407-415

題名: 1985年から2005年にかけての日本の竹林における炭素蓄積量の変化の推定

著者: 山本真帆,井上昭夫

所属: 近畿大学農学部

抄録: 竹林は気候変動の緩和において重要な役割を果たすことが期待されている.しかし,わが国では国家スケールでの竹林の炭素固定・吸収能力は評価されていない.そこで本研究では,1985年から2005年の期間を対象として,日本の竹林における炭素蓄積量(CSbamboo)の変化を推定した.本研究では,(1) 竹林面積に関する行政統計データと (2) モウソウチク林(n=44)とマダケ林(n=13)における林分レベルでの地上部バイオマスに関する公開データを用いた.わが国の竹林面積は,1985年には147 khaであったが2005年には158 khaまで拡大した.管理竹林と放棄竹林における平均炭素蓄積量(CD)は,モウソウチクで84.9 Mg C ha–1 と115.1 Mg C ha–1,マダケでは24.1 Mg C ha–1 and 46.4 Mg C ha–1であった.日本のモウソウチク林におけるCDは,中国のモウソウチク林よりも大きく,国内の樹林と同程度であった.面積ベース法によると,CSbambooは20年間で10.1±2.6 Tg Cから13.9±1.7 Tg Cまで増加し,この値は国内の森林における総炭素蓄積量の1%以下であった.CSbambooの増加は,主にモウソウチク林の管理放棄と分布拡大によって生じていた.以上の結果は,わが国のモウソウチク林が過蓄積であり,CSbambooの増加が望ましくないことを示唆している.



種類: 原著論文/Socioeconomics, Planning, and Management

Title: Simulation of Stand Dynamics for Miombo Woodlands in Kitulangalo Forest Reserve, Morogoro Tanzania

巻頁: J For Res 28 (6): 416-427

題名: タンザニア・モロゴロ地区キツランガロ森林保護区におけるミオンボ林の林分動態シミュレーション

著者: Elifuraha E. Njoghomi, Sauli Valkonen, Wilson A. Mugasha

所属: Department of Forest Production Research, Tanzania Forestry Research Institute, Morogoro, Tanzania

抄録: Miombo woodlands constitute the most extensive type of forest cover within South and East Africa, Tanzania in particular, and they are seriously threatened by intensive degradation and deforestation. The dynamics of miombo stands were examined in this study using a simple simulation system applied to experimental stands at the Kitulangalo Forest Reserve (KFR) in Tanzania. Prediction of tree-level diameter increment, mortality, and ingrowth across species groups with empirical models based on data from experimental sites constituted the essential elements of the simulation system. Diameter distribution, stand basal area, volume yield, and above-ground biomass accumulation were assessed in three harvesting alternatives across three species groups. The results indicate a high degree of positive response to careful selective harvesting in lightly degraded, recovering miombo forests. Simulation systems compiled from experimentally based models seem promising as tools for research on stand dynamics and sustainable management alternatives in miombo woodlands.



種類: 原著論文/Forest Environment

Title: Soil erosion decreases soil microbial respiration in Japanese beech forests with understory vegetation lost by deer

巻頁: J For Res 28 (6): 428-435

題名: シカにより下層植生が消失した日本のブナ林では土壌侵食により土壌微生物呼吸が低下する

著者: 片山歩美, 小山田美森, 阿部隼人, 上森教慈, 菱拓雄

所属: 九州大学演習林

抄録: 野性草食動物の個体数増加による過食は,森林生態系における下層植生の衰退を招く.かつてササが密生していた日本のブナ林においては,シカの過食により土壌侵食が発生している.そのような劣化した森林では,土壌侵食により土壌の炭素や栄養分の含有量が減少し,土壌微生物呼吸が減少する可能性がある.本研究の目的は,森林内で散発的に発生する土壌侵食が,土壌の特性と微生物活性に与える影響を明らかにすることである.日本の九州南部にある3つの落葉広葉樹林内それぞれにおいて,根の露出程度(MAXH)といった土壌侵食の指標,樹木と土壌の特性,土壌微生物の基礎呼吸と基質誘導呼吸を,16本のブナの樹冠下で調査した.腐食量や土壌および腐食の有機物含有量といった土壌の特性は,MAXHとともに減少した.基礎呼吸および基質誘導呼吸は,MAXHの増加とともに低下した.有機物に関連する土壌特性に伴って基礎呼吸および基質誘導呼吸が上昇した.これらの結果は,有機物が豊富な土壌の表層が土壌侵食によって流出し,土壌微生物活性が低下したことを示唆している.この研究は,野性の草食動物の増加は,下層植生消失に起因する土壌侵食によって土壌生態系機能を劣化させることを示唆している.



種類: 原著論文/Silviculture and Plant Sciences

Title: Initial growth and physiology of guanandi (Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess) seedlings treated with humic acids and aqueous vermicompost extract

巻頁: J For Res 28 (6): 436-444

題名: フミン酸とミミズ堆肥抽出物を処理したサンタマリア (Calophyllum brasiliense Cambesss) 苗木の初期成長と生理

著者:  Jader Galba Busato, Bruno Rogério de Souza, Alessandra Monteiro de Paula, Fernando Fabriz Sodré, Aline Lima de Oliveira, Leonardo Barros Dobbss

所属: Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Federal University of the Valleys of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri, Unaí/MG, Brazil

抄録:The guanandi is a tropical tree from the American continent suitable to compose agroforestry systems and forest-farming-livestock integration whose growth and development stages can be enhanced with the use of biostimulants. In this work, humic acids (HA) and aqueous extracts produced from vermicomposting cattle manure (AEVC), biostimulants commonly employed in short-cycle crops, were characterized and evaluated for initial growth and gas exchange in guanandi seedlings. The HA showed higher levels of C and N and lower H and O compared to AEVC, in addition to three times higher total acidity, higher aromaticity index, and clearer signals regarding symmetric stretching in carboxyl groups and C-O stretching of polysaccharides. Greater stimulation of guanandi growth, via the concentration-response test, was observed for concentrations of 22.24 mg L−1 for HA and 25.55 mg L−1 for AEVC. Increases in net CO2 assimilation, stomatal conductance and transpiration were detected only in seedlings receiving HA. Main root diameter, leaf area and aboveground wet mass increased for both treatments with HA (19.9, 11.0, and 22.8%) and AEVC (16.9, 11.2, and 18.6%). The set of responses associated with the use of HA and AEVC allow categorizing these materials as biostimulants capable of enhancing the initial growth of guanandi seedlings.



種類: 原著論文/Silviculture and Plant Sciences

Title: Growth, nutritional status, and nonstructural carbohydrates of Armand pine (Pinus armandii) seedlings in response to fertilization regimes and levels

巻頁: J For Res 28 (6): 445-452

題名: タカネゴヨウ実生における異なる施肥手法・施肥量に対する成長反応と、養分・炭水化物濃度

著者: Wei Feng, Shi Chen, Chang-Dan Shan, Jia-Man Liu, Xiu-Song Huang, Long-Shan Fu, Hui-Ping Kong, Guo-Ang Liu, Zeng-Yu Yao

所属: Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration on Biodiversity Conservation in Southwest China, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming, People’s Republic of China

抄録:Exponential fertilization has been regarded as an important technique for improving seedling growth and enlarging internal nutrients reserve. However, the effects of exponential fertilization under varying fertilization levels on seedlings’ growth, nutritional status, and nonstructural carbohydrates (NSC) are poorly understood. We employed Armand pine (Pinus armandii) seedlings to investigate the responses of growth, nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) in seedlings, and NSC in organs to varying exponential and conventional fertilization levels. Shoot height, root collar diameter, and biomass increased and then declined with the increased fertilization levels. At high fertilization levels (≥300 mg seedling−1), the seedings accumulated more biomass in exponential fertilization than in conventional fertilization. The exponentially fertilized seedlings contained more concentrated nitrogen, starch, and NSC than the conventionally fertilized ones. Vector analysis revealed that conventional fertilization of 200 mg seedling−1 or exponential fertilization of 300 mg seedling−1 could induce luxury consumption. NSC was closely related to the nutrient states. With the increased fertilization level, regardless of the regime, soluble sugar concentrations in roots and needles trended toward declining with changes in the nutrient supply from deficiency to sufficiency and then increased with the changes from sufficiency to toxicity. Meanwhile, starch and NSC concentrations in roots and needles increased with the changes in the nutrient supply from deficiency to sufficiency; the concentrations in roots decreased with the changes from sufficiency to excess. Exponential fertilization at high levels did not only promote seedling growth but also induced seedlings to reserve more nutrients and NSC, which could improve afforestation success.



種類: 原著論文/Silviculture and Plant Sciences

Title: An index to assess the health of Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) forest

巻頁: J For Res 28 (6): 453-462

題名: モウソウチク林における健全性の指標

著者:  Feng Huanying, Su Wenhui, Du Manyi, Liu Guanglu, Fan Shaohui

所属: National Permanent Scientific Research Base for Warm Temperate Zone Forestry of Jiulong Mountain in Beijing, Experimental Centre of Forestry in North China, Chinese Academy of forestry, Beijing, China

抄録:The health status of the Moso bamboo forest could affect the economic value, ecosystem functions, and long-term sustainable management. However, there are still deficiencies in the scientific recognition and accurately assessment for the health status of the Moso bamboo forest. Using an index system to quantitatively assess the health of Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) forest can provide an intuitional recognition for the status of Moso bamboo forest. Here, the health assessment index system of the Moso bamboo forest was established by literature collection, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), and expert questionnaire. The health index of the Moso bamboo forest was calculated by the comprehensive health index. The practicability and feasibility of the health assessment index system were then verified by the Moso bamboo forest in Anhui and Fujian provinces of China. The health index of the Moso bamboo forest in Anhui and Fujian provinces ranged from 0.50 to 0.83. The health index of the Moso bamboo mixed forest generally performing higher than that of the pure Moso bamboo forest. Only 2.35% of the Moso bamboo forest health index scored higher than 0.80, whereas 22.35% scored lower than 0.60. These results suggested that the health status should be improved in most of the Moso bamboo forest. The health assessment index system provides an important tool to guide Moso bamboo forest resource management and prioritize scientific research.



種類: 短報/Socioeconomics, Planning, and Management

Title: Forest bathing diminishes anxiety in undergraduate students: A pilot study in the Valdivian temperate rainforest

巻頁: J For Res 28 (6): 463-467

題名: 森林浴は大学生の不安を軽減する:バルディビア温帯多雨林でのパイロット・スタディ

著者: Álvaro I. Langer, Esteban Solano, Leonardo D. Bacigalupe, Betsabe Soto, Angie Asenjo, Ariel Cifuentes, Ibeth Navarrete, Rodrigo C. Vergara, Christoph Steinebach

所属: Faculty of Psychology and Humanities, Universidad San Sebastián, Valdivia, Chile

抄録:Urban life has generally resulted in lifestyles characterised by high stress and anxiety, all which has increased the pervasiveness of mental disorders. University students, a group highly vulnerable to these problems, are likely to develop mental pathologies associated with anxiety and substance abuse. Forest bathing is one nature-oriented intervention aimed at improving physical as well as psychological well-being by reducing anxious symptomatology and stress. Here we evaluated the healing impact of forest bathing on the stress and anxiety of undergraduate students at one local university. We also included others key aspects of psychological mental health that have received scarce attention in forest bathing research like mindfulness, wellbeing and self-regulated learning. Twenty-one students belonging to the Universidad Austral de Chile were randomly assigned to the city or forest groups and took part in an intervention consisting in a low-impact 30 minute walk and a 15-minute contemplation afterwards. Five instruments to evaluate overall mental health (and blood pressure) were applied before and after the intervention. Our results showed that a rather short session of forest bathing is enough to reduce anxiety in undergraduate university students. The other measures of psychological or physiological health showed no statistical differences before and after the intervention (between city and forest) or time effects (within the forest or city treatment). A potential reason for this might be related to the short duration of the intervention itself. Our results are encouraging regarding mental health therapy, as this type of intervention could easily be implemented on campus.

