第135回日本森林学会大会 発表検索


植物生態部門[Forest Ecology]

日付 2024年3月10日
開始時刻 ポスター発表
会場名 532
講演番号 PH-32
発表題目 The effect of experimental extreme precipitation on the performance of trees planted after landslides
The effect of experimental extreme precipitation on the performance of trees planted after landslides
所属 北海道大学
要旨本文 Future precipitation changes are expected to affect plant growth and trait adaptive adjustments. Here, we planted seedlings of 7 tree species in a landslide area of a temperate forest in northern Hokkaido and simulated two years of extreme precipitation treatment. We tested the individual-based trait approach and evaluated the effects of extreme precipitation treatment on intraspecific variation in trait values and how traits predict individual growth performance. We found that extreme precipitation treatment increased intraspecific variation in traits related to drought tolerance but made traits related to landslide protection more conservative. Moreover, extreme precipitation treatment weakened the predictive ability of traits on individual relative growth rates but enhanced the correlation among traits. These results provide valuable information for predicting plant performance responses to future climate change.
著者氏名 ○RUIQI ZENG1 ・ Kobayashi, Makoto2
著者所属 1Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University ・ 2Hokkaido University
キーワード plant functional traits, trait-base approach, soil erosion, forest management
Key word plant functional traits, trait-base approach, soil erosion, forest management