第135回日本森林学会大会 発表検索


経営部門[Forest Management]

日付 2024年3月8日
開始時刻 ポスター発表
会場名 531
講演番号 PD-14(学生ポスター賞審査対象)
発表題目 Application of UAV-LiDAR data in analyzing the allometric relationships of over a hundred tree species across Japan
Application of UAV-LiDAR data in analyzing the allometric relationships of over a hundred tree species across Japan
所属 Kyoto University
要旨本文 UAV-LiDAR is an emerging technique to determine tree height (H) and crown areas (CA) for wide areas, facilitating the assessments of stand structure and above-ground biomass (AGB). Yet its efficacy has not been tested across diverse forests. We measured H and CA of 2,660 individuals from 108 species in 15 one-hectare plots across Japan and built models to predict stem diameter at breast height (DBH) with H, CA, and species. We found that CA, H, and species are all crucial parameters for the DBH estimation. Functional types (conifer, deciduous/evergreen broadleaf) significantly differed in CA-DBH, H-DBH, and AGB-CA relationships. Deciduous species showed higher CA and conifers showed higher H for a given DBH. Conifers and evergreen broadleaf showed higher AGB than deciduous broadleaf for a given CA. In conclusion, UAV-LiDAR is a promising tool in assessing stand structure, contributing to our understanding of forest dynamics.
著者氏名 ○HTOO, Kyaw Kyaw1 ・ TAKESHIGE, Ryuichi1 ・ ONISHI, Masanori1,2 ・ RAHMAN, MD Farhadur1 ・ ONODA, Yusuke1
著者所属 1Kyoto University ・ 2DeepForest Technologies
キーワード UAV-LiDAR, Allometry, Tree species
Key word UAV-LiDAR, Allometry, Tree species