第135回日本森林学会大会 発表検索



日付 2024年3月8-10日
開始時刻 ポスター発表
会場名 542
講演番号 GP-07
発表題目 Short-term Effects of Earthworms (Eisenia andrei) on Soil CO2 Emission during Autumn Season in a Temperate Deciduous Forest
所属 Korea University
要旨本文 This study examined 1) the short-term effects of earthworms on soil CO2 emission and 2) the soil factors influencing CO2 emission in a forest in Korea. Containers were half buried in the forest floor, comprised three treatments: control (C; soil), litter (L; soil+litter), and litter with earthworms (LE; soil+litter+earthworm). Salix alba litter and Eisenia andrei earthworms were used. Soil CO2 concentration and soil properties were measured from 7th October to 25th November, 2022. The mean CO2 emissions in the treatments were 2.8 gC m-2 day-1. CO2 emissions in the LE were initially highest but subsequently declined and were surpassed by those in the C and L. This decline may be attributed to reduced earthworm activity and increased mortality due to decreasing soil temperatures. CO2 emissions were positively correlated to soil water content, particularly in the L representing microbial decomposition.
著者氏名 Gaeun Kim, Heejae Jo, Minyoung Kwon, Yowhan Son
Key word Earthworm, temperate forest, Soil CO2, soil water content