
林政部門 Forest Policy

economic and sociological approaches, forest and forestry policy, forest economy, forest products industry and market, forest owners, forestry management entities and forestry enterprises, forestry workers, mountain village society and economy, governance on the environment and resources, natural resource management policy, culture, history of forest policy and forestry, forest recreation, public participation

風致・観光部門 Landscape Management and Tourism

landscape, parks and open spaces, nature parks, gardens, tourism, recreation, leisure, hospitality, travel industry, protected area management, natural resource management, collaborative management, human dimensions of wildlife, world heritage, traditional culture, folklore, forest therapy, psychology and behavior, satoyama landscape, design and construction, cultural services, forestry heritage

教育部門 Education

forest education, forest environmental education, environmental education, outdoor education, specialized education, school education, social education and facility, forest products education, wood education, teaching materials and program, educational assessment and effect, leadership training, curriculum management, training and safety education, community study, regional partnership, science communication, educational ethics, forest kindergarten, nature experience activity

経営部門 Forest Management

forest planning, forest management assessment, forest function evaluation, forest working system, forest mensuration, forest inventory, growth model, monitoring, remote sensing, forest GIS, landscape management, satellite image, UAV, airborne laser scanning, terrestrial laser scanning, digital photogrammetry, yield prediction, forest zoning, optimization model for forest management

造林部門 Silviculture

forest management, growth, competition, stand structure, biomass, density control, light environment, seed, nursery practices, planting, regeneration, coppice, tending practices, thinning, cutting, target forest type, low-cost silviculture, fast growing tree, rotation age, mixed forest, leading to broad-leaved forest, satoyama management

遺伝・育種部門 Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding

genetic structure, phylogeography, adaptive variation, genetic diversity, conservation of genetic resource, genomics, gene expression, linkage analysis, quantitative trait locus, gene flow, hybridization, breeding strategy, phenotyping, molecular breeding, breeding for resistance, improvement of wood property, countermeasure for pollinosis, seed orchard, promotion of strobilus, propagation of nursery stocks, nursing technology, tissue culture

生理部門 Tree Physiology

tree physiology, whole plant physiology, ecophysiology, water relations, vegetative growth, reproductive growth, transport, nutrition, environmental response, stress tolerance, photosynthesis, respiration, metabolism, organelle, cell wall, plant hormones, tissue culture, genetic transformation, gene expression, genomics, epigenomics, omics

植物生態部門 Forest Ecology

biological diversity, ecosystem service, ecosystem function, ecosystem management, zoning, forested landscape, adaptive management, forest community, biological interaction, disturbance, plant succession, nutrient cycling, forest dynamics, litter and woody debris, tree architecture, life-history strategy, climate change, geographical distribution, ecological modelling

立地部門 Forest Environment

土壌生成,土壌分類,土壌理化学性,土壌分析法,炭素動態,窒素動態,物質循環,水循環,土壌生物, 花粉分析,地位,森林衰退,大気降下物,地球温暖化,細根動態,放射性物質,生物地球化学,土壌呼 吸,温室効果ガス
pedogenesis, soil classification, soil physical and chemical properties, soil analysis, carbon dynamics, nitrogen dynamics, nutrient cycling, hydrological cycle, soil organisms, pollen analysis, site quality, forest decline, atmospheric deposition, global warming, fine root dynamics, radioactive substance, biogeochemistry, soil respiration, greenhouse gas

防災・水文部門 Forest Disaster Prevention and Hydrology

土砂災害,表面侵食,水循環,流域,降雨流出過程,蒸発散,樹木の水分生理,土壌水分,森林気象, 緑化,水質,生物地球化学過程,同位体,トレーサー,大気降下物,地下水,温室効果ガス,気候変動, 水資源,物質循環,モデリング,気象害
sediment-related disaster, surface erosion, water cycle, catchment, rainfall-runoff process, evapotranspiration, hydraulic trait of trees, soil moisture, forest meteorology, revegetation, water quality, biogeochemical processes, isotope, tracer, atmospheric deposition, groundwater, greenhouse gases, climate change, water resources, material cycle, modelling, climate-induced forest damage

利用部門 Forest Engineering

forest road network, forest civil engineering, timber production, forest machinery, forestry robot, working system, environmental impact, ergonomics, engineer fostering, safety management, biomass utilization, forest information, supply chain, logistics, information and communication technology, reforestation technology

動物・昆虫部門 Forest Zoology and Entomology

forest insects, tree pests, mushroom pests, pine wilt disease, Japanese oak wilt, vertebrates in forests, wildlife management, sika deer, Asian black bear, forest birds, soil animals, biological interaction, symbiosis, ecological community, food web, ecosystem, biodiversity, population dynamics, regulation of population density, seed dispersal, invasive species, phylogeny and evolution

微生物部門 Forest Microbes

fungi, bacteria, mycorrhizal fungi, endophytes, wood-decay fungi, symbiosis, parasitism, decomposition, nutrient cycling, root nodule, nitrogen fixation, microbial community ecology, microbial population genetics, forest pathology, pathogens, disease control, disease resistance, pine wilt disease, Japanese oak wilt, nematodes, virus

特用林産部門 Non-Wood Forest Products

mushrooms, Matsutake, Shiitake, Enokitake, Shimeji, bamboo shoot, wasabi, lacquer, resin, edible wild plants, bamboo, rattan, charcoal, wild fruits, medicinal plants